Friday, April 3, 2009

New Trials of CCS Chapter 61 Posted!

Belated Happy Birthday Sakura-chan!!! (4/1/2009)

Chapter 61: Fantasia in Memoriam is posted. This is a chapter I've been wanting to write for years, and it makes me sad because it feels sort of like a graduation ceremony for me because it took me so long to get to this point in the plot. It find the tone very different from other chapters because it is set in the Fantasy. :)

But the Fantasy is a very befitting dark force for April Fool's Day. Lol. I think this chapter was a bit lighter than the rest of Arc 4. So, I really didn't want to include the second to last scene. Sighs, but in the end, it was necessary. This is a chapter that makes your realize just how many characters there are in New Trials and subsequent specials. I wonder if anybody will be able to place all the characters and where they're from. Lol... It'll probably be impossible since some of them didn't even appear yet.

On a side note, I have a fanart of Clow Reed and spoiler character almost finished.

Happy Spring!


  1. ^____^ there was hardly some chpts last year and now you spoil us with 6+ chpts this year (and we've not even reach half a year yet)

  2. Haha, I really love your works. Keep writing! It's sorta funny how I normally prefer more... not mature writings, but perhaps more professional writings? But I can't seem to criticize your works and writings. They're perfect for what you want to do, and your writing certainly captured me for years now :P
