Saturday, July 14, 2018

Update: Happy Birthday Li Syaoran 2018! Chapter 73.5 is up!

Syaoran's Birthday Cupcake
by wishluv on DeviantArt

I'm a little late with this post, because I ended up not getting as far as I wanted to. But I guess it's better than having nothing, so I posted what I could.

Chapter 73.5: The Hong Kong Encounter Side A is up on!

I've been wanting to write fluff for a long time, and Syaoran's birthday chapter might have been written before Chapter 73 was. Actually, it dates back to circa 2015, probably. You may all recognize some of the scenes from Syaoran's Birthday Omake #4.

Some of you might have correctly guessed that was actually not a dream sequence but real! Also, the good news is, I do have more of Chapter 73.5 written, but I just didn't have enough time to finish everything in time for Syaoran's birthday, unfortunately.

Happy Birthday Li Syaoran 2018!!!